Dr. Brown Wide Neck Poly Bottle 2 Pack


Product description and more details below


Brand: Originally designed by a doctor in the USA since 1996. DrBrown's focus has been on innovative baby products that promote good health and optimal nutrition. Inspired by parents everywhere, Dr Brown’s continues to develop products that focus on great functionality for parents and good health for baby. Every day they strive to deliver the reliable baby products that have made them proven favorite with moms and dads for over 20 years. 

Item: This bottle offers an easy and comfortable way to feed your little-one, adapting to their needs as they grow. With the unique design, this bottle can be used with or without the removable internal patented vent system, transforming it into a teat-vented bottle for more convenience. Use Dr Brown’s Options bottles from birth – don’t wait until your baby develops colic. The unique internal green vent system continues to create 100% vacuum free feeding, which is clinically proven to help reduce wind related colic. This is what makes 9 out of 10 Healthcare Professionals recommend Dr Brown’s for the relief of wind related colic.


